
Artist:Antonin Boullemier (1840-1900)


尺寸:直徑24.3 cm



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§  畫家介紹 §

Antonin Boullemier was born in Metz, France, in 1840, his father was a prominent decorator at the Sevres National Porcelain Factory.  Boullemier studied ceramic painting in Paris at various decorating establishments including the M. Dreyfus decorating company.  He was apprenticed as a figure painter at the Sevres National Porcelain Factory working for Hippolyte Evariste Etienne Fragonard (1806-1876).  Boullemier “painted every class of figure decoration with an unsurpassed delicacy of execution, and an unrivaled daintiness of palette.

In 1870, Antonin Boullemier emigrated to England and went to work at Mintons.  He “added both humour and sentiment to tableware production with his freely painted cherubs and infants, creating wares highly prized throughout the world, and particularly in America.”²  A versatile artists, he “painted a dessert service with two hundred and fifty different cherub reserves against a bleu-celeste ground”³ for the Prince of Wales in 1870.  Colin Minton Campbell (August 17, 1827-February 7, 1885) “obtained from Queen Victoria the loan of a number of priceless Sevres vases, which were reproduced exactly, Boullemier and Leroy executing the painting, and Aaron Simpson the gilding.”⁴ He painted a dessert service with one hundred and four cherub reserves for the marriage of HRH Prince Alfred to Marie Alexandrovna on January 1, 1874.  The dessert service included “fifty dessert plates, twenty-four compotiers, eight fruit and flower baskets, four jardinieres, and eighteen menu holders.”⁵  Antonin Boullemier’s work was displayed at the 1878 Exposition Universelle, Paris, May 1 to November 10, 1878, “much and admiring interest has been taken in the ‘Prometheus Vases’ in turquoise; the handsome vases with cupids by Boullemier, after Angelica Kauffman.”⁶  Also, “conspicuous among them (Minton exhibition) was the Edinburgh dessert-service in turquoise and gold, with paintings of cupids and emblematical devices by Boullemier,” “this charming pair of vases has since been purchased by her Majesty.”⁷  Boullemier painted miniatures and portraits exhibited at the Royal Academy Exhibitions in 1881 and 1882.  He painted forty-eight cupids and shields plates on a pink ground for the King of the Belgians in 1887.  Boullemier submitted drawings for nine different dinner, dessert, and tea ware services for the Prince of Wales in 1888.  His other painted dessert services featured reproductions of Francois Boucher (September 29, 1703-May 30, 1770), French classical painter, Angelica Kauffman (October 30, 1741-November 5, 1807), Swiss-Austrian neoclassical painter, Vernet, and Jean-Antoine Watteau (October 10, 1604-July 18, 1721) French classical painter.

Although Antonin Boullemier continued to work for Minton, after criticism from Colin Minton Campbell, he “tore up his contract,” started a business at Penkhull New Road, and “was free to decorate for other houses.”⁸  Boullemier painted porcelain for Coalport between 1890 and 1892.  He decorated the “colossal” Shakespeare vase for the Brown, Westhead, Moore & Co. displayed at the World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago, May 1, 1893 to October 30, 1893.  The Shakespeare vase was “fired  in twenty-two pieces and beautiful in color is next in point of wonder.”⁹  “Longfellow’s “Evangeline,” pictured on twelve plates by A. Boullemier, is the glory of the Cauldon exhibit.  The borders of the plates are treated in raised gold work and the scenes are exquisite in color.  These are valued at $2,000.”¹⁰   “From a purely feminine and domestic point of view the gem of the collection is not, however, a vase, but a dejeuner service by Boullemier for the Duchess of Sutherland.  The pieces are ivory-tinted and ornamented with gold.  On each is a little scene that is essentially French and mischievous in character.  The price of the service, it may be of interest to know, is $500.”¹¹  “Considering the extremely high finish of most of his work he was amazingly prolific and was represented at all the exhibitions up to 1900.

AB是Antonin Boullemier的縮寫。Antonin Boullemier生於1840年,他父親在Sevres賽佛爾窯廠工作,是一位非常卓越的裝飾師。Boullemier在巴黎各種不同的機構學習瓷器繪製和裝飾,包括M. Dreyfus裝飾公司。他在賽佛爾窯廠的時候,做為大師Hippolyte Evariste Etienne Fragonard (1806-1876)的學徒,學習人物畫法,他在繪製人物及其裝飾時,被認為完美執行細節,並且在顏色的調配上展現無以倫比的優美。

在1870年,Antonin Boullemier移民到英國,並到Minton窯廠工作。他在餐具上開始繪製嬰兒和天使的主題。他的作品廣受全球收藏家愛戴,特別是美國市場。他在1870年為威爾斯親王親手繪製了一套點心盤,總共包含250個天使的模樣。Colin Minton Campbell從維多利亞女王手上得到一批價值連城的賽佛爾花器。然後由Boullemier 和 Leroy 聯手臨摹手繪部分,Aaron Simpson執行描金的部分,完美地製作了一批復刻作品。另外他在1874年1月1日也幫HRH 親王Alfred to和Marie Alexandrovna的大婚禮,繪製了104個天使的點心盤來作為結婚禮物,這套瓷器包含55個點心盤、24個果盤、8個水果花籃、4個花架和18個菜單架。Antonin Boullemier的作品也有在1878年5月1日到11月10日的巴黎世界博覽會展出,他的作品名為Prometheus Vases普羅米休斯的花器,底色為土耳其藍,主題為天使,這隻花器吸引了大眾的眼光和興趣,這件作品後為Angelica Kauffman(非常有名的新古典畫師)所收藏。而在愛丁堡所辦的Minton特展,其中所展出的一對花器,以天使主題,由土兒其藍和金色所繪製而成,則是由女皇陛下所收藏。Boullemier於1881年到1882年在皇家藝術學院特展所展出的人物畫和小瓷版畫,1887年為比利時親王繪製有48個天使,粉紅底色的點心盤,在1888年為威爾斯親王繪製完整的晚餐餐具及茶具組。在1890到1892年,他開始為另外一個窯廠coalport做作品。一直到1900年,他的作品都一直有在國際性的大展展出,並且多為王親貴族所收藏。