尺寸:左邊 寬14 x 高25 cm

右邊 寬15 x 高22 cm


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The Moorcroft story that unfolds in each page of this website began in 1897, through the ground breaking work of ceramicist extraordinaire, William Moorcroft, who began to sell his work to retailers, including the prestigious Liberty of London, under his own signature. Unsurprisingly, William Moorcroft’s name and reputation grew following gold medals at International Fairs and even a Queen’s cypher, and over a hundred years of W Moorcroft Ltd began.

Still fiercely independent, Moorcroft continues to create art pottery, using her renowned heritage craft techniques and acclaimed line up of designers, at the highest level in the Applied Arts. The Pottery’s ethos has always been that Moorcroft will continue to hold its revered name if design does not stand still. Design now includes jewellery – mined, crafted and fired to perfection, and other creations are set to follow.

Moorcroft的故事於1897年發展起,透過陶瓷藝術家William Moorcroft突破性的非凡藝品開始,他將自己的作品出售給零售商,其中包括著名的落款作品《Liberty of London》。隨著William Moorcroft在國際博覽會上獲得金牌,並且受邀設計皇室印記,百年品牌W Moorcroft就此展開。

Moorcroft品牌至今仍屹立不搖,並持續創作陶器藝品。運用所繼承的傳統工藝技術和備受讚譽的設計師陣容,以最高標準的燒窯、描繪紋樣、填彩等一系列的專業技術製造過程。Moorcroft作品被稱為Applied Art風格中的最高等級逸品,並始終維持著一貫的水準。該品牌目前也有自己設計的珠寶(從原礦到成品全部不假他人之手),目前仍是英國當地非常受到歡迎的瓷窯。