

尺寸:寬 10  深 8.5  高29.5  公分

Artist:Walter Powell






Walter Powell started at the Hadley factory in Worcester in 1900 when they first started to employ quality freehand painter. He was a fine craftsman, known for his flowers and foreign birds, especially storks and flamingos.

When the Hadley factory was taken over by Royal Worcester in 1905, he move across to their paint shop and stayed there, doing the same bird studies, until he left to fight in the Frist World War.

He survived the war but did not return to England, staying in France with a girl he met. There is some evidence to suggest that he painted for the Sevres factory in 1920s.

He was a wonderful artist, with very atmospheric paintings that are highly thought of and very sought after, although his work is rare. There are many fine watercolours of similar subject matter that are also highly collectable.





備註:Hadley窯廠是由Jame Hadly所創立,他是皇家伍斯特的首席塑型師,所以瓷器的外型上和伍斯特窯場非常相似,不過有一特殊之處在於Hadley窯廠所製作的瓷器多帶有藍、棕,最多是綠色的描邊,讓整體外型顯得十分立體,因此能夠輕易地被辨識出來。