法國Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse雕塑作品


Artist:Carrier-Belleuse, Albert-Ernest

尺寸:寬39 x 深19 x 高46 cm



Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse (12 June 1824 – 4 June 1887) was a French sculptor. He was one of the founding members of the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, and was made an officer of the Legion of Honour.
Carrier-Belleuse was born on 12 June 1824 at Anizy-le-Château, Aisne, France. He began his training as a goldsmith’s apprentice. Carrier-Belleuse was a student of David d’Angers and briefly studied at the École des Beaux-Arts. His career is distinguished by his versatility and his work outside France: in England between 1850 and 1855 (working for Mintons), and in Brussels around 1871. His name is perhaps best known because Auguste Rodin worked as his assistant between 1864 and 1870. The two travelled to Brussels in 1871, and by some accounts Rodin assisted Carrier-Belleuse’s architectural sculpture for the Brussels Stock Exchange.
Carrier-Belleuse made many terra cotta pieces, the most famous of which may be The Abduction of Hippodameia depicting the Greek mythological scene of a centaur kidnapping Hippodameia on her wedding day. He was also made artistic director at the Manufacture nationale de Sèvres in 1876.
In 1862 Carrier-Belleuse was one of the founding members of the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, and was made an officer of the Légion d’honneur. The bronzes he executed prior to 1868 were always signed “Carrier” or “A. Carrier”, but after 1868 his signature was changed to “Carrier-Belleuse”.
His work encompassed all manner of sculptural subjects and materials, and his naturalism incorporated a breadth of styles: unembellished Realism, neo-Baroque exuberance, and Rococo elegance.

Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse(1824-1887) 是一位法國雕刻家,同時他也是是法國國家美術協會的創始人之一,並被賦予法國榮譽軍團勳章。
Carrier-Belleuse 生於1824年法國阿尼濟堡,他曾在金匠工廠裡當過學徒,後來拜雕刻家Davidd’Angers為師,也曾在法國美術學院就讀過,他的才華出眾,同時精通工匠和美術兩種領域,因此來自各國的訂單源源不絕。


Carrier-Belleuse除了雕刻,也做過為數不少的陶器作品,較為出名的作品為The Abduction of Hippodameia “其主題描述古希臘神話,半人馬出現在波希丹尼亞的婚禮,並綁架她。由於Carrier-Belleuse同時精通美術和陶瓷工藝,於1876年他曾在法國瓷器大廠賽佛爾Sèvres裡擔任藝術總監。

在1862年Carrier-Belleuse跟其他藝術家創立了法國國家美術協會,並被賦予法國榮譽軍團勳章,他的銅雕作品在1868年之前落款為”Carrier”或是”A. Carrier” 而在之後則統一成”Carrier-Belleuse”。

Carrier-Belleuse的作品非常多元,包括風格、題材、使用材料等,幾乎涵蓋了雕刻與工匠兩個領域所有元素,而他的作品不僅風格自然、寫實、低調典雅 卻同時也表現出新巴洛克式的生氣蓬勃和洛可可的華麗風采。

• pediment sculpture of Abundance, Pavillon de Flore, South façade of the Great Galerie, Louvre palace(羅浮宮), Paris, crica 1863
• caryatids themed on the four seasons, Vichy Opera(維希歌劇院), for architect Charles Badger, 1865
• architectural sculpture for the Tribunal de commerce de Paris (Commercial Court of Paris), on the Île de la Cité, for architect Antoine-Nicolas Bailly(巴黎最負盛名的建築師安托萬-作品有巴黎市政大廳、迪涅大教堂、巴黎商業法庭), completed 1865
• a silvered bronze chimney-piece for the Hôtel de la Païva(奢華的德拉派瓦酒店), Paris, 1866 monument to André Masséna, Nice, 1869
• architectural work at the Brussels Stock Exchange(布魯塞爾證券交易所), Brussels, circa 1870
• Mary Queen of Scots, Private Collection, ca. 1870
• two elaborate multifigure torchères for the base of grand staircase, Palais Garnier (Paris Opera)(巴黎歌劇院), Pairs, 1873[4]
• tomb of Belgian photographer Louis Ghémar, Laeken Cemetery, Brussels, 1873[5]
• architectural work for the Théâtre de la Renaissance(文藝復興劇院), Paris, for architect Charles de Lalande, 1873[6]
• Sea Nymph for the fountain at the Place du Theâtre-Français(法蘭西劇院), Paris, for architect Gabriel Davioud, 1874
• Four Seasons fountain, Hotel de Ville(巴黎市政廳), Fleurance
• mausoleum of José de San Martín, Buenos Aires Metropolitan Cathedral, Buenos Aires(布宜諾斯艾利斯的大都會教堂)
• equestrian statue of Mihai Viteazul, University Square, Bucharest, Romania
• equestrian statue of Manuel Belgrano, Plaza de Mayo Square, Buenos Aires, Argentina(阿根廷)
• equestrian statue of Bernardo O’Higgins, Alameda, Santiago de Chile, Chile(智利)
• statue for the victims of the La Compañía fire, originally at the place of the fire, today in front of the General Cemetery in Santiago de Chile, Chile(智利)

Bronze of 19th century – Dictionary of Sculptors