
名稱:French Cloisonne Champleve Onyx Clock 


 製錶公司:Japy Frères 

尺寸:寬 22.5  深 16  高33.5  公分




鎏金Ormolu是法文,其作法簡單說明是把金子和水銀合成“金汞齊”﹐將“金汞齊”塗在要鎏金的物體表面﹐加溫至極熱的溫度後使水銀蒸發,只剩下K金留在銅表面而不脫落,其金色光澤性能夠永久維持。而因為汞加熱後揮發的氣體有毒性,所以使用汞來執行鎏金的技術,在1900-1910年左右,就被法國政府所明文禁止使用,所以之後鎏金座鐘數量驟減,只剩少數訂製品。至此之後任何一種技術,包括現今常見的電鍍技術,都沒有辦法超越銅鎏金所呈現出來的美感,因為電鍍的電鍍成色較為冷感,金屬質感較重; 電鍍金不是真金,是利用電解原理在物體表面鋪上類似金色的金屬,經過一段時間顏色會褪,不若鎏金的技術所呈現出來的K金質感,是色澤飽和的黃金色系,而且可以歷久彌新。






Frédéric Japy (1749-1812) was a pioneer in the industrialization of not only clocks, but of manufacturing in general. An imaginative inventor of all sorts of machines, he began his career as a watchmaker.

The son of Jacques Japy (1699-1781) and Marie Marguerite Fainot (1745-1797), Frédéric Japy was born on May 22, 1749 at Beaucourt , a small village at the end of the principality of Montbéliard . One of the wealthiest families in Beaucourt.

Frédéric Japy was apprenticed by Jacques Georges Frédéric Japy, his grandfather, in the profession of watchmaker in Montbeliard. At age 17, he returned to Beaucourt to spend two years working in the workshop of his father.

At that time, watch and clock parts were manufactured usually by hand by specialized workers in their homes in small communities. The parts were then collected and mounted into a piece by an ‘assembler’. Once the movement was assembled, it was then sent to a ‘dresser’ who would in turn mount it into a case – be it a small one or an elaborate brass plated mantle clock complete with mythological figures.

Frederic Japy purchased some of few clock making machines in existence, brought them back to his native town of Beaucourt and proceeded to invent new ones in order to standardize the pieces and the quality of the production.

The workers were then regrouped into one location instead of being scattered throughout the countryside and each one was assigned to a specific work post with its own specific machine. Frederic Japy radically changed the way clocks were produced. The sequential production of parts in one location  – a manufacturing plant – aided by machines meant that clock parts were made and assembled in about half the time that it had taken previously.

Japy then imagined other applications (and invented the machines required to produce them) such as the mass production of hardware parts (screws, nails, bolts) and other products – rotating pumps (a model still in use today), locks, and he perfected the creation and baking of enamelware.

In clockmaking – Japy’s enamel dials became the standard for the great majority of clock manufacturers for 150 years both in France and abroad. There are few French carriage clocks in existence that do not have Japy enamel dials on them.

Japy’s plants continued to produce clocks in many styles and at the higher priced levels. In 1806, he handed the direction of his businesses to his three sons – and it became Japy Frères (Japy Brothers) who, in turn, diversified the manufacturing to produce coffee grinders, typewriters, enamelware, kitchen utensils, office machines such as the first typewriters, refrigerator pumps, advertising signs and they invented more machines to transform copper and steel wires into elaborate hardware parts.

However, his sons’ sons did not inherit the creative and inventive spirit of their fathers and grandfather and by the early 1900’s, many of the the businesses were sold off and the manufacturing was dismantled.

Frédéric Japy (1749-1812)不僅是鐘錶業,是多種產業的先鋒。他起始於鐘錶事業,是一位極具創造力的發明家。

他是Jacques Japy (1699-1781) and Marie Marguerite Fainot (1745-1797)的兒子。於1749年5月22日在Beaucourt出生,是靠近Montbéliard的一個小村落。他出生於一個富裕的家庭。



Frederic Japy買下了當時現存的為數不多的製錶機器,帶回他的出生地Beaucourt並開始加速發明新的機器,以便進行標準化及品質化的製作生產作業。




他的工廠持續製作各種不同類型的時鐘,而且都是高單價檔次的時鐘。在1806年改由他的三個兒子來決定事業體的走向,公司變成為Japy Frères (Japy Brothers),開始改而生產磨豆機、打字機、琺瑯製品、廚房用品和辦公設備,因而發明出第一台打字機、冰箱泵和廣告招牌,他們發明更多的機具來將銅和鋼轉化為更細緻的套件。




Onyx is a stone that appears in various cultures and it is still highly regarded one of the most popular gemstones in the world even now. Onyx has long been a part of gemstone metaphysical theories and gemstone healing therapies for a long time. This stone is often turned into necklace, beads, charm and amulet and many more.
