德國麥森French Enamel 神話故事盤


Artist:Ernst August Leurteritz

尺寸:直徑23 cm



Ernst August Leurteritz was born in 1818 near Meissen, came to the factory as an apprentice in 1836, studied under Rietschel and was engaged as a modeller in 1846. From 1849 to 1886 he held the post of manager and top modeller. Dr. K. Berling, Meissen China, p. 86, pl. 91 notes, ‘During these many years he did great service to the factory by his extraordinary activity and skillfulness’. Leuteritz resurrected the older rococo styles and created new models. His major influences on Meissen were foreign styles of pate-sur-pate of Sevres and the development of this en grisaille enamelling from Limoges enamel painting of Worcester. ”The outstanding modeller Leuteritz created some of the finest and largest pieces at the factory between 1843-86”.

An example of the present model, with different frieze depicting the ‘Procession of Alexander’, is illustrated in The Art Journal Catalogue of the Paris Universelle Exposition of 1867, London, 1867, p. 120. Here the reviewer notes this exceptional vase, ‘contributed by the Royal Manufacture of Dresden (Meissen)… [is] a Vase of great beauty both in form and in the art that adorns it’.

In addition to this seminal exhibition, this form was prominently displayed at the 200th Anniversary Exhibition of the Manufactory in 1910. See Robert Roentgen, The Book of Meissen, p. 130, fig. 74 and p. 206, fig. 320. The director of the manufactory at that time, Privy Councilor Gesell, stated ‘The Royal Porcelain Factory already in the first century of its existence began to run the victorious course through the whole world and even today its artistic production are in great demand. They are highly valued by modern civilization at the Rhine as at the Newa, at the Seine as at the Mississippi at the Thames as at La Plata’.

Ernst August Leurteritz於1818年出生在Meissen,在1836年進入窯廠當學徒,師從Rietschel並且在1846年開始塑胚,從1849年到1886年他一路升到藝術總監並且成為首席的製模師,這些年他勤奮不息,而且自身天份又高,對Meissen窯廠的貢獻很大。Leuteritz重新復興的洛可可風格,並創造了新的模型。他對Meissen的主要影響是運用Sevres的pate-sur-pate風格和技術來發展出Limoges琺瑯彩繪的技術突破。在Meissen的名人錄中是這樣描述的『傑出的建模師Leuteritz在1843年至1886年之間在Meissen窯廠創造了一些最精美且偉大的作品。』


除了1867年的萬國博覽會展之外,也在1910年的兩百週年紀念展中展出過他的作品,當初的窯廠總監Privy Councilor Gesell這麼形容: Meissen為德國國窯的風華已經樹立超過一世紀以上,這些藝術榛品將持續席捲整個世界,即便今日Meissen製窯過程依然是世界第一水準,無論是萊茵河或紐瓦孕育,無論是塞納河或密西西比,無論是泰唔士河或是在拉普拉達。