

尺寸:寬18 x 高21.7 cm

畫直徑8 cm



Paintings on ivory are generally quite small. They are often called miniatures. However, the term in this context is not referring to size, but comes from the Latin “minium,” the red pigment often used in decorating early manuscripts. (“Miniatures” may also refer to paintings on other support materials such as vellum, paper, metal or porcelain.)

Using ivory as a support for painting miniatures was popular in the 18th century and into the 19th, when photography was invented. The paints most commonly used were water-based (watercolour, tempera, gouache or “bodycolour”), applied directly to the ivory. As a paint support for miniatures, ivory was usually made very thin, making it quite translucent. The thin ivory was often attached to a secondary support made of paper or card. For visual effect, the reverse of the translucent ivory was often painted, or a metal foil inserted between the ivory and its paper or card backing. Miniatures were frequently sealed in intricate metal lockets or cases, which often had glass covers or “crystals”. Sometimes, a lock of woven hair was included inside the casing.

Paintings on ivory are very fragile. The thin and delicate paint surface can easily be rubbed off or soiled by mishandling. If the ivory itself is held by the sides, even slight pressure can cause it to bend or split. If held in the palm of the hand, a thin ivory could react to the skin’s moisture, which could quickly cause the ivory to warp. Removing an ivory from its case should only be carried out in an emergency situation or by a conservation professional, if treatment is required.

Even a very small amount of water on a painted ivory can affect or obliterate brush strokes and image. Water damage can occur if a person simply speaks over an uncovered ivory; if an enclosing case or frame is improperly cleaned; or if condensation forms on the inside of a case or crystal. Residue from a cleaning compound can contribute to the corrosion of a metal case, which will also stain the ivory.




