法國大師銅雕-Triumphator 勝利

題名:Triumphator 勝利


尺寸:底座直徑 22  銅雕寬 27  深 24 高 73 公分

ArtistErnest Rancoulet (1870-1915)







關於雕塑家Ernest Rancoulet的介紹

Born in Bordeaux France in 1870 we know that Ernest Rancoulet gain fame in a Persian art fair as a young man. He is an important sculptor working at the turn of the 19th Century specializing in allegorical and figurative subjects that combine classicism with a touch of the idiosyncratic style of the Art Nouveau era. Rancoulet exhibited his talents in both bronze and in wood and although he sculptured animals he seemed to prefer women and children. Rancoulet was a pupil of Eugène-Louis Lequesne, was a French sculptor who specialized in both academism and classicism. Rancoulet’s classicism was perhaps derived from Lequesne. In 1841, Lequesne entered the École nationale des beaux-arts, in James Pradier‘s workshop. In 1843, he won the second Prix de Rome, and in 1844 the first prize, with a plaster bas-relief entitled Pyrrhus tuant Priam. He lived at the Académie de France à Rome from 1844 to 1849, alongside Jean-Louis Charles Garnier. In 1855, he was awarded the Great Prize for sculpture at the Exposition Universelle, and received the Légion d’honneur.


Ernest Rancoulet生於1870年法國波爾多。Rancoulet從小天賦異稟,在年輕時曾在波斯藝術展覽會上展出作品因而開始成名。他是十九世紀裡相當重要的雕刻家,擅長人物像以及具有寓意、象徵意義的題材,並將其結合古典主義風格與些許的新藝術主義風格。Rancoulet的作品以銅雕和木雕為主,常以女性和小孩作為主題。此外,他也創作以動物為主題的作品。Rancoulet的雕刻技法傳自於他的老師Eugène-Louis Lequesne。當然,Lequesne在當時早已大名鼎鼎,是個得獎無數,相當傳奇的法國雕刻家,擅長學院派風格和古典主義風格,而Rancoulet的古典主義技法和基礎很可能就是來自於Lequesne的影響。Lequesne在1841年時就讀法國美術學院,且在雕刻家James Pradier的工作室裡學習。很快地,1843年時就獲得了羅馬大賞二等獎,隔年即榮獲一等獎,當時的得獎作品為一座石膏浮雕Pyrrhus tuant Priam (該作品描述古希臘特洛伊裡的皮洛士)。隨後在1844年到1849年間,他便前往義大利的羅馬法蘭西學院學習,與知名建築師Jean-Louis Charles Garnier為同學。Lequesne在1855年法國世界博覽會榮獲頭等大賞,成名後即被封為榮譽軍團騎士。